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Neurogenic Causes for Persistent Knee Pain Post Surgery

Neurogenic Causes for Persistent Knee Pain Post Surgery

Have you recently undergone knee surgery for an ACL tear, meniscus damage, or other knee condition but still have ongoing pain? When this happens, it’s important to consider the possibility of neurogenic (nerve-related) causes of ongoing pain. 

At Anthony Echo, M.D., in Houston, Texas, our board-certified surgeon specializes in knee conditions, providing expert insights and guidance to help you understand and address the challenging problem of persistent knee pain after surgery. 

Keep reading to learn more about possible nerve-related causes of this post-surgical pain and how we can help. 

About neurogenic causes of post-operative knee pain

Persistent knee pain following surgery can stem from different causes, including inflammation, infection, scar tissue formation, or even inadequate rehabilitation. However, in some cases, the discomfort may be associated with nerve-related issues, usually involving the nerves around your knee joint. 

Two major nerves commonly contribute to persistent knee pain post-surgery: the articular branch of the common peroneal nerve and the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve. 

Articular branch of the common peroneal nerve

The articular branch of your common peroneal nerve provides sensation to the sides of your knee joint. Although rare, injury or irritation of this nerve can occur during knee surgery. 

When this happens, it can lead to ongoing knee pain, which may radiate down your leg. Sometimes, the nerve may become trapped or compressed by scar tissue or surgical hardware, making your discomfort worse and difficult to treat.

The infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve

The infrapatellar branch of your saphenous nerve supplies sensation to the front area of your knee. This nerve can be damaged or entrapped after surgery, causing ongoing pain. 

Patients with this neurogenic trigger of post-operative knee pain often describe sharp or burning sensations in the front of the knee, especially with movement or pressure on the affected area.

Treating persistent knee pain after surgery

It’s important to have a comprehensive evaluation by an experienced nerve repair surgeon, like Dr. Echo, if you suspect your persistent knee pain has a neurogenic origin. Through a thorough examination, including a medical history review and imaging studies, Dr. Echo can identify the affected nerves and recommend the best treatment.

Non-surgical therapies

Dr. Echo may recommend trying nonsurgical treatments as the first course of action for some patients. These may include:

If these more conservative measures don’t give you enough relief, Dr. Echo may recommend surgical intervention. 

Surgical repairs

As an expert in advanced nerve surgery, Dr. Echo has the skills and experience needed to ease persistent knee pain. Dr. Echo recommends different surgical treatment approaches depending on your unique situation. These may include:

Get help for persistent knee pain after surgery by scheduling an appointment online or over the phone at Anthony Echo, M.D., in Houston. 

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