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The Ins and Outs of Sports Hernia Treatment

The Ins and Outs of Sports Hernia Treatment

Sports hernias can keep you out of the game for weeks—or more. If you’re an athlete worried your groin pain might be from a sports hernia, don’t wait to seek professional help. 

Board-certified surgeon Anthony Echo, MD, has years of experience helping patients recover from a sports hernia. Dr. Echo uses the Muschaweck Repair process, a specialized surgery that means less pain and a faster recovery. 

The Anthony Echo, MD, team wants you to know about sports hernia treatment. Take a moment to read this helpful guide to learn about sports hernias and the ins and outs of their treatment.

What is a sports hernia?

A sports hernia is a soft tissue injury that results when tendons in your groin tear. It causes pain and pressure in your groin area. 

This injury is most common in athletes whose sports require sudden, fast changes of movement or twisting. Symptoms vary and may include: 

Severe groin pain

You might have a sports hernia if you get severe pain in your groin (lower abdomen) when an injury first occurs. This pain often concentrates above where your thigh meets your abdomen.

Pain that comes and goes

Sports hernias can cause pain that improves with rest but returns or worsens when you move. You might even notice pain only when coughing or sneezing. 

Variation in pain 

Sports hernias can differ in the type and severity of pain they cause. If you have pain in your groin that ranges from dull and achy to sharp and stabbing, a sports hernia could be the cause. 

Testicular pain

For men, sports hernias can cause pain in the testicles. If this develops, seek medical care since testicular pain can have other causes.    

While anyone can get a sports hernia, athletes are at a greater risk of developing one. Both men and women can develop sports hernias, but it is more common in male than female athletes.   

The risk is particularly high for high-performance athletes engaging in high-impact activities using lower extremities and core muscles. Sprinters, soccer players, hockey players, and football players tend to have the highest rate of sports hernia.

What’s involved in sports hernia treatment?

Dr. Echo has years of experience diagnosing sports hernias and ensuring you get the right diagnosis and treatment plan for your pain. After reviewing your medical history and symptoms, he performs a physical exam and diagnostic imaging to ensure an accurate diagnosis. 

Sports hernias generally require imaging studies to diagnose them accurately. We use a dynamic ultrasound and may order a special MRI to evaluate the muscles and tendons in the inguinal region. 

If you have a sports hernia, Dr. Echo may recommend surgical repair using the Muschaweck Repair method. 

Having an expert by your side is crucial when it comes to advanced techniques like the Muschaweck Repair. Dr. Echo specializes in this advanced treatment that requires surgical precision and flawless execution.


Here’s a closer look at how the treatment works: 

About Muschaweck Repair

The Muschaweck Repair is a surgical method that allows Dr. Echo to permanently strengthen the inguinal floor while addressing the nerves responsible for your pain. 

Unlike other mesh placement methods, the Muschaweck Repair sutures torn tissues and minimizes potential complications associated with mesh, like long-term discomfort or infection.

This procedure doesn’t overtighten your muscles, which often happens during other surgeries. Dr. Echo also removes the nerve causing pain, making your recovery less painful. 

In addition, the procedure is less invasive, leading to faster healing. Most patients can return to regular activities within a few weeks, a significant advantage for athletes.

Plus, the Muschaweck Repair was designed with athletes in mind, ensuring you can return to your peak performance levels soon post-surgery. And the procedure doesn’t impact sexual sensation, saving your sex life after surgery.

If you think you may have a sports hernia, set up a consultation with Dr. Echo as soon as possible. Request an appointment online or over the phone at the Anthony Echo, MD. We have two offices in Houston, Texas.

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